معلومات عنا
نحن مزارعون ومعالجون بارزون للذرة الحلوة ، ومجهزون بأحدث مرافق المعالجة التي تستخدم تقنية التعبئة والتغليف المعوجة. شركتنا مدعومة بفريق من المهنيين المهرة الذين جمعوا أكثر من عشر سنوات من الخبرة في إنتاج منتجات استثنائية. تتيح لنا قدراتنا توفير إمدادات على مدار العام من الذرة الحلوة المنتقاة يدويًا ، والمعالجة في ظروف صحية للغاية. نحن نفخر بالتزامنا بالحفاظ على أعلى معايير النظافة في جميع عملياتنا.
نحن نزود مزارعينا بالبذور عالية الجودة والمدخلات الزراعية بسعر مضمون لمنتجاتهم. يتيح لنا هذا النهج الحفاظ على التحكم في تكاليف الإنتاج لدينا مع ضمان توفير منتجاتنا على مدار العام. يدعم برنامجنا أكثر من 500 مزارع ، ونحن نعمل باستمرار على توسيع قدرتنا للوصول إلى المزيد.
We care about our people
We are committed to maintaining a work environment that upholds fairness, dignity, and respect for all our laborers. Our Fair Employment Policy outlines our core principles and practices to ensure equitable treatment, safety, and well-being for our employees. We provide a safe and healthy work environment, adhering to all relevant safety and health regulations. Employees are encouraged to report safety concerns, and appropriate measures are taken promptly to address them.
We firmly oppose and do not endorse child labor in any form. Our commitment is to uphold ethical labor practices that protect children's/women's rights and ensure a fair, safe, and supportive working environment for all.
Our Farmers,
Our Strength!
At the heart of our agricultural endeavors lies a profound commitment to the well-being of our farmers. We extend our unwavering support by providing them with high-quality NON-GMO seeds and comprehensive guidance throughout the cultivation process. Our dedicated team offers invaluable assistance in optimizing fertilization schedules and closely monitors the progress of each farming venture. We understand that the timely harvest of crops is paramount, and we take it upon ourselves to ensure that it happens at the right moment. Above all, we prioritize the financial security of our farmers by guaranteeing them fair and assured pricing for their produce. Our farmers are the bedrock of our success, and we reciprocate their dedication with regular training sessions and timely guidance, empowering them to adhere to the best agricultural practices. Together, we cultivate not just crops but a nurturing and sustainable partnership that thrives on mutual respect and shared success.